Ways to stop worry

There are several ways to stop worrying, including: Practicing mindfulness and staying in the present moment. Identifying and challenging negative thoughts and replacing them with more positive or realistic ones. Engaging in physical activity or other forms of exercise, which can help to reduce stress and improve mood. Setting aside time each day to reflectContinue reading “Ways to stop worry”

Random helpful thoughts.

I have to admitted I hate making mistakes.  I know they are part of life, yet when I make one, I feel frustrated, disappointed annoyed.   Because of a mistake I made, the feelings I have bring up mistakes from the past.  These negative feelings are not good.      I know I’ll make mistakes again, in myContinue reading “Random helpful thoughts.”

Making the best out of a bad situation

Life doesn’t always go the way you plan it. You try and plan how you want your life to go, and bam, something happens that causes it to go off course. You didn’t plan it. It just happened. The best example is how Covid turns most of our lives upside down. None of us expectContinue reading “Making the best out of a bad situation”